Three Reasons You Need A Security Camera For Your Swimming Pool

June 8th, 2022

Pools are a wonderful feature for any home or community. They provide a place where people can gather and have fun. Sadly though, pools also provide several risks and dangers to guests and are very susceptible to criminal activity and vandalism. Whether you have a backyard pool, own a rental property with a pool, or run a Anchorage public pool, you need to protect against these things. The best way to do that is with a security camera system. Here are the top three reasons you should consider getting a security camera for your pool:

Supervise Children

Children love pools, so much so they will try to enjoy them without adult supervision. This is a huge problem because swimming pools are very dangerous for children. Children often run around the deck and slip, fall, and sustain bad injuries. They are not always the strongest swimmers, so they can drown in deeper waters. Finally, they engage in dangerous horseplay and can hurt each other. A security camera will notify you when children are in the pool area and help you monitor their safety if they are there without supervision.

Investigate Incidents

Another big risk of swimming pools is premises liability. Pools are pretty hazardous, so injuries can happen pretty frequently. In these cases, the injured party may seek damages under your property insurance. Having a security camera can help your insurance company and attorney understand the details of the incident and provide evidence of who was in the wrong. The footage collected by security cameras will show exactly what happened during the incident. Then fault for the incident can be determined. Security cameras have saved many pool owners from the expensive costs of frivolous and false premises liability claims.

Prevent Crime

Pools are a hotbed of criminal activity. The crimes range from teenagers sneaking in for a late-night dip to having your pool area vandalized to items like lawn chairs and umbrellas being stolen. Security cameras are the very best deterrent to crime. Most of the time, when criminals simply see the presence of security cameras, they will move on to another target. Those that are bold enough to stay, will be caught in the act and their crimes documented for law enforcement.

Why You Need To Work With A Professional For Pool Security

Pools are full of water. Security systems require electricity. These two things are not compatible. If a security system is installed incorrectly at a pool area, there is a high risk of dangerous conditions. There’s dangers of damaging the security system and pool, fire hazards, and a high risk of electrical shock. A professional knows how to install a security system around water and will make sure that your system not only works, but is completely safe.

A security system is a must for any Anchorage private or public pool. They can help protect your pool guests and help prevent crime. Working with a professional will ensure that your system works and helps improve the safety for all your guests.