Creating A Secure Sunday School Environment

June 10th, 2024

Sunday school is an environment for enrichment, not endangerment. A safe and secure place is a must for Sunday school, making a security system an important investment for any school building. It’s the task of staff to ensure student safety, and to do so through both safety activities and safety focused installations. As children are being enriched in their faith, parents should have the peace of mind that their little ones are at ease both physically and mentally.

Security Measures To Take For A Safe Sunday School

There are several security measures a Sunday school facility may take to ensure the safety of students. Even if schools are held outdoors in courtyards, or they take frequent field trips, security should always be kept a top priority.  5 of these important measures to take are:

  1. Monitoring student movement – With class sizes too large, teachers and staff cannot be expected to properly maximize safety. A 5 to 1 ratio of students to staff is just right, and anything higher may be taking attention away from ensuring a safe environment. As Sunday school facilities move to different locations or hold classes outdoors, this ratio becomes even more important.
  2. Background checks on all staff and volunteers – The staff and volunteer team put to task of taking care of Sunday school children should be fully vetted to ensure child safety. Reference letters, full documentation, and frequent re-checks are always recommended for any adults in charge of the children at any Sunday school.
  3. Installation and checks of security equipment – Alarm systems, security cameras, and all security installations should be checked and checked regularly. The installation of security systems is important, catching potential wrongdoing on footage and even deterring criminals from making their way into the building in the first place. Security systems are only efficient if they’re kept working, and checks will make sure all security measures in place are functioning as they should.
  4. Response planning drills – In the event of an emergency, Sunday school staff should always be well-versed in emergency protocol. Response planning drills for situations like fire, break-in, or any other threat should be practiced regularly to ensure the procedure is second-nature should an emergency occur.
  5. Controlled access – Controlled access is another important security measure to take if your Anchorage, AK Sunday school is held in a specific facility. Controlled access gives only those with authorized access the ability to enter certain areas of the facility, and can even close and lock doors to any and all outsiders while children are in the building.

Peak Enrichment With Peak Security

Paying close attention to your security, and various security measures, ensures that those in your Sunday school experience peak enrichment and benefit from the program. With minds at ease, children are more likely to learn and be enthusiastic about the activities they’re performing. With security measures in place, parents will have peace of mind each time they drop their child to your facility.