Protect Your Home When It's For Sale With These Safety Tips

July 18th, 2022

Anchorage homeowners choose to sell their properties for lots of different reasons. For instance, perhaps the person obtained a new position with a company on the other side of the country. As such, they have to relocate to fulfill their obligations. Additionally, many empty nesters decide to sell and downsize once all of their little ones have grown and moved away. Then again, divorces often lead to putting homes on the open market.

Regardless of why an individual is selling his or her home in Anchorage, there are certain precautions that they need to take to ensure burglars, vandals, or other criminals don't take advantage of the situation. Typically, a real estate company is involved in the process. In turn, the property will likely get shown at times when the owner is present, and when he or she is not. Plus, if an open house takes place, there is no telling who might show up.

Therefore, it is of the utmost importance for people to safeguard themselves. For one, persons should make locking valuable items such as jewelry, bank account statements, and cash away in a safe location. There is no point in tempting thieves with sticky fingers by leaving such items on countertops, lying on the bed, or out in the open somewhere else.

Be Mindful Of Who Enters The Building

It is a good idea to ask everyone that comes to see the Anchorage home for a valid ID. Real potential buyers should have no problem with the task. However, those that are up to no good might be apprehensive about showing identification and may even leave abruptly. In other words, this option is an excellent way to way to weed genuine clients from fraudulent ones. Homeowners should also heighten their awareness whenever visitors come over.

They need to be aware of where items were placed and arranged. In doing so, the seller will be able to tell if pieces became moved or if they are missing altogether. When an alarm is present, a secondary code should be given to the agent. Then, the property owner will be able to tell who entered/exited the home and when.


Avoid Showing The House Alone

Human-beings- like to think the best of other humans. Unfortunately, that type of thinking can cause them substantial headaches, especially when it comes to showing a house alone. The stranger could take full advantage of the person during this period. For example, he or she might tie the homeowner up before stealing the loot. Also, the owner could become subjected to things like violence or sexual assault. So, always show the structure with a friend, neighbor, or real estate agent.


Take The Time To Investigate The House After People Leave

Criminals are quite sneaky, and they don't always strike at the time of the showing. Rather, the person might purposely leave a window or door unlocked so that they can return later to do the deed. Thus, homeowners should always complete a walkthrough after folks go to make sure every entrance is locked uptight.

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