Great Ideas for Hiding A Safe in Your Home

April 30th, 2024

Making an investment into a safe is something that can provide tremendous peace of mind and security for your valuables. A home safe can come in various sizes and lets you store anything you feel is important including things like:



Important documents


But, while it’s true that your safe will protect your most important belongings and that having a home safe adds a layer of convenience to your life, the fact is that if your safe isn’t hidden, it’s still vulnerable to theft. That’s why it’s so important to go a step further and find a great place in your home to hide your safe.

But just where is a good place to hide your safe from prying eyes? Here are some of the best options to hide your safe, including some that might surprise you.

Inside A Wall

Smaller safes in Anchorage, AK can be concealed in the walls of a home, placing them between the studs. If your safe is larger than the space between the studs, you may have to complete additional reframing to ensure that it is placed. But, the extra work is worth it and once installed it can be hidden using a painting, appliance, bookshelf, or anything else. And, it can also be bolted to the studs, making it much harder for thieves to remove.

In the Floor

Just as a safe can be placed in the wall, it can also be hidden under the floor by mounting it between floor joists or changing the framing to accommodate larger safe sizes. No matter how you do it, once you install the safe you can put a hidden door or floorboards onto it, pull a rug over it, and be completely confident knowing that your safe is secure and hidden.

In an Object

Everything from a dresser to a kitchen cabinet could have false walls or bottoms installed, creating a hidden compartment that allows you to hide your safe. You can even hollow out stacks of books to get really creative and hide your safe in your home.

Hiding In Plain Sight

Sometimes the best way to hide something is to keep it in plain sight. Thieves generally look at master bedrooms first, so try to put your safe in a different area and conceal it with something most won’t consider. What about that cardboard box in the corner of your attic, or inside an empty dog food bag?

Air Return Vents or Registers
While they’re not always big enough to allow you to store a large safe inside, the heat return vents and registers of your HVAC system may be a good option for smaller safes. Be sure the installation of a safe won’t interfere with your HVAC system’s operation, however.

Under the Stairs

Finally, consider the crawlspace that is often located under stairs. This is an easy option that gives you quick access and to add security you can bolt the safe to the floor to ensure that it can’t be easily removed by intruders.