How A Surveillance System Supports Your Farm

February 22nd, 2023

As a farmer in AK there are so many things you need to keep an eye on to run a successful agricultural business. Every day, issues come up that can interrupt and delay your daily operations or require changes in routine. Running a farm is very complex, so it’s very easy for things to fall through the cracks. However, a surveillance system can help you keep track of everything, as well as prevent expensive crime.

Implementing Security Surveillance On Your Farm

By installing a security surveillance system on your AK farm, you can get perfect control over what happens on the farm 24/7. With a camera monitoring system, you will have a smart, cost-effective way to keep track of everything, from the milking to the calving pen, to your employees' performance. Every aspect is integrated into an easy to use the system. Best of all you can track everything on your smartphone or tablet. According to researchers, having a security system surveillance is an effective way to improve animal welfare, increase productivity, and reduce environmental impact. 

The Numerous Benefits Of Farm Video Surveillance

So just how can a security surveillance system benefit your AK farm? Will the savings be worth the cost of getting a system? There are benefits in every area of the farm from the outside to the inside, including:

  • The system is tailored to your needs and your farm's requirements
  • Systems are easy to upgrade as your agricultural business grows
  • Increases security and decreases theft and vandalism
  • Saves time since the system alerts you via tablet or your smartphone no matter where you are or what time of day it is
  • Increases efficiency by employees and reduces risk of unwanted downtime or interruptions
  • Improved animal welfare as you can always view what is happening in the chicken pen, calving, milk production at the robot
  • Reduces risk of harmful environmental effects as you will get notified when something goes wrong
  • You can also supplement with other types of monitoring such as mobile cameras, detectors, for along places like the fences, even monitor temperatures in different areas and it can all be monitored from a smart, user-friendly app on your smartphone or tablet
  • Reduction in your farm’s insurance as many insurance companies will provide a discount if they know you have surveillance installed

Determining Your Security Needs

If you are thinking about any form of security for your farm, before you meet with a security expert and review your options it is helpful that you have already looked into some aspects such as:

  • Inventory all your critical farm assets and where they are located
  • Conduct background checks on your employees if you are not already doing so
  • Consider using key cards as opposed to having a bunch of labeled keys laying around

Remember, keys can be easily copied or taken with when an employee leaves

  • Use electronic access and computerized control in selecting and assigning access that your employees can access and when
  • Check all of your outbuildings and the parking areas as well for places someone would hide

Farming is a challenging business. The use of security systems can save you not just time and money, it can keep your farm and family safe. Imagine how with just a press of your thumb on your smartphone you can tell how much milk was produced today, who came and delivered supplies, what employee is taking too many “breaks” and that the alarm was triggered by a loose chicken, not an intruder. Your work hard on your farm, isn’t it time your farm works hard for you?