Enhance Your Building Access Control

August 15th, 2017

Learn how infinias' powerful Anti-Passback and Anti-Tailgating features can prevent common sources of unauthorized access

Security is a top priority for every type of business, including businesses in in Anchorage, AK. Unauthorized access gained through various entry points puts employees at risk of physical harm and inventory at risk from theft. infinias Intelli-M Access access control management software is equipped with both Anti-Passback and Anti-Tailgating features that help prevent unauthorized entry to designated areas and enhance security at building access points.


Anti-Passback is an access control security measure that prevents a cardholder from passing his or her access card to an individual behind them, and allowing them to gain access into a secured zone.

There are two traditional methods for preventing this type of security breach: Local Anti-Passback and Network Anti-Passback.

Local Anti-Passback

Local Anti-Passback is intended for single door access only. It prevents successive swipes by a cardholder into a zone, within an hour. The hour time limit is hard coded on the controller and cannot be modified.

Network Anti-Passback

Network Anti-Passback is intended to work across multiple doors or turnstiles. For example, if there are five turnstiles that allow access into a zone, the rule will be applied to all five turnstiles. This prevents a cardholder from entering 'Turnstile 1,' walking down to 'Turnstile 3' and passing back his or her card. This method will prevent successive card swipes by a cardholder into a zone, within an hour.

Anti-Passback establishes a specific sequence in which access cards must be used in order for the system to grant entry. It is commonly used at access points such as parking gates, fitness facilities and employee entrance doors.


The term "tailgating" refers to instances when one person swipes their access card and another person or vehicle enters at the same time by following them closely (tailgating them) through the entry point. Anti-Tailgating is an access control security measure that will not allow a cardholder to exit a zone that they never entered as a valid credentialed user.

Tailgating, also known as piggybacking, through an entrance or access control point poses a significant security risk by leaving buildings vulnerable to theft and vandalism, and by putting people at risk of bodily harm. Authorized employees are easily followed through a door without their knowledge. They may even hold the door open for someone behind them out of politeness; however, this common courtesy enables tailgating.

The infinias Solution:

infinias Intelli-M Access provides Anti-Passback and Anti-Tailgating capabilities via its sophisticated rules engine, enabling users to:

  • Create groups and zones for doors
  • Create access privileges for doors
  • Place cardholders in appropriate groups
  • Create various group rules
  • Prevent successive card swipes and passbacks across all points of entry into a zone
  • Prevent a cardholder from carding out and tailgating if they did not card in
  • The Anti-Passback and Anti-Tailgating features found in Intelli-M Access software provide an
  • additional layer of security by preventing these common methods of misusing access control systems.